Children may occasionally tumble and fall, sustaining an injury to the mouth. This may require urgent dental attention. In all cases, ensure that your child has not injured any other part of their body (e.g. head) that requires more emergent medical attention.
Common dental emergencies include:
1. Knocked out baby or adult tooth 2. Chipped or broken tooth 3. Toothaches

Knocked out baby tooth
Locate the baby tooth (if easily retrieved) and bring it to the dentist. Do not try to replant the tooth back in the mouth. Bring your child to a dentist as soon as possible.

Knocked out adult tooth
Locate the adult tooth, holding it by the crown (ie. the white part), NOT the root (ie. the yellow slender part). Place the tooth back in the socket immediately. If dirty, rinse gently with milk or saliva before replanting. Hold the tooth in place by biting gently on a clean cloth. If you cannot put the tooth back in the socket, store it in a cup of cold milk or your child’s saliva. Seek immediate dental treatment.
The faster you act,
the better your chances of saving your child’s tooth.

Chipped or broken tooth
Gather any broken fragments that can be easily retrieved. Call your dentist urgently and bring along the fragments. Your dentist may be able to repair the adult teeth with the broken fragments for the most aesthetic results.
Gently brush and floss the area to remove any lodged food particles or debris. Rinse gently with warm salt water. Offer painkillers e.g. paracetamol, following the instructions on the box. Ensure that your child has no known allergies to the painkillers offered. Make an appointment with your dentist. If your child has a facial swelling, please call right away as prompt management is required.
Disclaimer: The contents of this website are meant purely for informational and educational purposes only. The website is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or professional care. If you have or suspect you have a health problem, you should consult a doctor or a qualified healthcare provider. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.